It’s time,
in this darkening room,
as the sun’s last trail ride passes,
to think of women.
The charm is all on their side.
Same with the wonder.
They stand nearer to the stars
than I do.
And, like the constellations,
they are beyond my reach.
I’ve lived with the subtlety
of their intuition,
the power of the sacrifices
they make.
The spark,
the light,
the splendor,
keeps alight in them
almost to their end.
As night draws in,
I confess that
there’s only the three or four
that I’ve known well enough
to make these examples of.
So they weren’t all the women.
But the absence of others
has gone unnoticed.
Author Bio: John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident, recently published in Soundings East, Dalhousie Review and Connecticut River Review. His latest book, “Leaves On Pages” is available through Amazon.