Black Constitution by Cinique Weekes
Source: @oia_brand
Racial divide
Races collide
But what is it really to be black in America?
Lulled into a false sense of security by being given "rights"
Land of the free, home of the brave but on whose standard?
While we are still held by the proverbial chains of "hope" and "equality"
But the problem you see is that we will never be.... equal
They don't want us to win.
They begin to brag and nag and boast and brag and talk about
"I don't see color"
But I'm sure as fuck I'm out of luck when I step into a store and I'm followed
You don't see color right?
so should I utter to you, “Do you like my cologne?”
Because that is why you follow me right?
What must I do to stay alive?
Not live, but literally stay alive.
People ask when did it go back to the days of slavery and entities where we stood as a people.
Days of segregation when we were hosed in the streets like cattle but the battle was still there.
However, I pose this: when did we stop?
You think because we drink from the "same" fountains
Work in the "same" places
Use the "same" restaurants and live the "same" daunting lives
Racism died?
The mindset was ingrained from our white forefathers into their children
Racism grew as minds mattered and black lives shattered straight to dust.
We are all but a black speck of dust in a sea of clouds
As innate as that seems we need to embrace the dream
Because as we stand as that speck alone, we are seen as weak.
But imagine the immense power amongst unification
Standing together not just for peace but to take a stand to demand this to stop.
Bodies may have to drop but for a lifetime of quality.
I'll tell you this.
I am tired.
I am sick and tired of walking these streets in defeat when I just want to FUCK SHIT UP
Can't you tell I'm mad as hell and don't try to sugar coat it because I deserve to be.
I stand today because I hope and pray we find an answer soon and when I say soon I mean now.
Good things come to those who wait, but great things come to those who take.
Author Bio: I’m black and I’m tired.
Instagram: @Mcmxcinique
Twitter: @Cincity1591