Ne'er Have I Seen; I Know Not How To Mourn by Albrin Junior
Ne'er Have I Seen
Ne'er have I seen-
Such beauty of grace
And looks, meek
All in one face,
Beauteous than seven rainbows.
Ne'er have I dreamt,
To boast of such grace as mine
To a purpose serve,
To arouse angels envy;
Alas! Death did take her.
Would ever
Fortune smile on earth again,
That such inimitable fairness
Grace this earth a second coming.
I Know Not How To Mourn
My love my dove,
How can I
In this hour dark
And moments sad
Offer my hands
To serve your purpose.
I never met her nor her I,
Yet know her to score
Through your kindred beauty
Of eloquence and grandeur,
But I’m sorry;
I can’t be at the funeral,
For I know not how to mourn.
Author Bio:
Albrin Junior is the pen name for Aigbike Alex Junior, who is an author, poet, scriptwriter, speaker and filmmaker.
His debut novel, Naked Coin—a historical fiction, bagged the Lagos Book House Award for Book of the Year by a New Author in 2020, just at the wake of the novel corona virus. Before now, the novel had been shortlisted for best historical novel in two international awards.