The Wandering Mind by Joe Taveras

Source: Joe Taveras

Source: Joe Taveras

I walk, I run, I sit, I sleep.

I walk, I run, I sit, I sleep.

I walk, I run, I sit, I sleep,

But captivated by cascading corridors of information - My mind wanders.

Is it not the question of TIME that We ask ourselves: where do We go next?

Why is it that you can move, push, pull, and lift the energy of another, but without their own Ambition and Volition they remain stagnant - treading the waters of the daily FIGHT to be heard, to be seen, and to be Miss Understood.

I don't think this is the way, nor do I believe that the future holds a vengeance towards those who open themselves down the upward spiral of growth,

For it is only through cooperation that we can truly see each other as We are - here, now.

We walk, we run, we sit, we sleep.

We walk, we run, we sit, we sleep.

We walk, we run, we sit, we sleep.

Author Bio: Joe Taveras is a Mixed Media Artist based in Boston, MA. At his core, he is driven by telling positive stories of a future for everyone. He spends his time exploring the different mediums of Painting, Music, Poetry, and Dance.

Instagram: @robojoebot


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