A Walk in the Garden by Jane Carter
Source: Anthony Scott
As illness spread across the land and as our lives began to spiral
A Captain and his charitable plan was a tale that soon went viral.
A centenarian walking laps distracted us from Covid stats and charts
And the route he took around his home led him straight into our hearts.
As we battled with the virus, he evoked the fighting spirit of another time
An avuncular figure bringing comfort to the nation, a gentleman sublime.
His grit and humour in the face of adversity, filled us all with admiration
And as the funds began to grow, he seized the collective imagination.
He was filled with joy and love, and living in the moment was his aim
He took his achievements in his stride, awed and delighted by his fame.
When life was at its grimmest, his words of strength helped us to survive
His sunny disposition broke through the darkest clouds, keeping hope alive.
Now, as we gather to give thanks for him, we recall his words of wisdom and we pray
“That we shall get through this, things will get better and tomorrow will be a good day”.
Author Bio: Jane has recently started writing. She is a retired civil servant living in South Wales.
Instagram: @janeattemptspoetry